visual artist


Immersive installation "Lof der Zotty"

"Lof der Zotty or the place where you would rather be"an immersive installation in the Mesdag Hall Pulchri Studio, The Hague (HTW).

Imagination: The viewer is surrounded by videos, sculptures, light images, design and ... happiness. This landscape challenges the visitor to take a rational step away from everyday life and throw themselves in their dreams and desires.

Technique: the size of the hall is 26 x 12 meter, 4 screen video projections, laser animations, animatronics, architectural objects, surround sound, theater lighting, a wish circle (diameter 300 cm) and a landscape with forest and drifting boats.

Immersive installation"Illuminada, The color of Scheveningen"

"Illuminada, de Kleur van (the color of) Scheveningen", an immervive installation on beach, Boulevard, Kuhrhaus and upperdeck of the Pier in Scheveningen (as Harkes/Ten Wolde)

Imagination: On the upper deck of the Pier in Scheveningen, the beach and the Boulevard between the Pier and Kurhaus roll a waves of light. This waves slides along the 43 columns of the Kurhaus up to the golden dome. In this huge wave of light videoprojections and animations float around. These images bring stories from the village and the sea tot the Boulevard. The immages float around the visitors until they are washed away by the next wave of light coming from the sea.. Following the light wave on the beach and the Boulevard the public is surrounded by story fragments, swimmers and surprising events

Technique: Installation area 300 x 300 meters. 8 steel lighthouses spread laser and video projection, computer-controlled moving light and sound. 200 banners on the top deck of the pier with City Colors. 40,000 visitors

Immersive installation "De Jas van Rotterdam", for Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe

"De Jas van Rotterdam", immersive installation near the river Meuse, commissioned by R2001 (Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe). 23 june to 5 august 2001. In a large theatrical location made bij a containerwall (90x10x17 meters) and an artificial lake with a falling waterscreen, Rotterdam awakens. The Rotterdam based dynamics: hard work, no nonsense, modern architecture, always looking in construction pits, the harbor and the travellers. (HTW)