My work
MEDIA ART close to the skin, in which emotions and physicality become tangible. In the animations painted with rough strokes, people move in imaginary landscapes. The paint between abstraction and figuration. Depending on the subject, my work is recorded with a camera/mobile phone, edited in stop-motion or computer generated. My works are screened in private and in public spaces in the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Available for sale, for rent or made to orders.

INSTALLATIONS (in situ/immersive) surround the visitors and give a new experience to well-known places. A wide variety of visual media: video and laser projections, music, sound, light and constructions are used for an intense experience. Installations at the Hofvijver in the Hague, the Leuvehoofd in Rotterdam, the Boulevard, the Pier and the port of Scheveningen, in a control Tower, in and around empty buildings and more. The installations attract many visitors, with 70.000 visitors being no exception. Available made to order.

PAINTINGS support my search for the way we perceive and remember. How do memories stay alive and which ones? Are they realistic? How colored are our expectations? The paintings of the 'Re-Image Waste collection', 'Never been there, but it must be like this' and ‘It is all Fake, said the President’, study those topics. My paintings are intertwined with my media art. They serve as a mood board with which I find out what influence the use of color and structure has on perception. In the computer I transform paint strokes, blobs and scratches into new images/landscapes. Sometimes available for sale